Monday, 19 March 2012

Lecture Two - New News

Feeling a little more confident making my way around the UQ campus and arriving on time to get a good seat we were targeted with a lecture based on three major points of Web Iterations, News Under Web 3.0 and the Challenges of Online News. There was a lot to learn throughout this lecture, I found it interesting how far things have advanced in such a short period of time.

Firstly the lecture focused 'Web Iterations'. This was broken down into three main areas of progression starting with 'Web 1.0'. This is known mainly as the information web which was based upon advertising and broadcasting information with a focus of companies. Next was 'Web 2.0' referred to as new media is based around social networking such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. It is aimed at "prod-users" who are both the producer and the user of the content with the focus of social groups. Lastly came 'Web 3.0' known as the semantic web and focuses on us individuals. Mainly adding Meta Tags (a special HTML tag that shows most things about any webpage) to the internet which now allows it to know information about the user. It is incredible how technology has advanced that we can now have all this news based information provided in a instant and communicate it just as fast with just about anyone around the world!

Secondly we looked News Under Web 3.0, which in essence shows how online news is now using this method in order to show the audience what they want to know and read. Such an incredible thing, however, there is an issue that those who only pay attention to only what they are interested in could be missing out on other important world problems creating ignorance to our generation.

Thirdly, we discussed the Challenges of Online News which was shown through an exercise where the class was given a small bag of jelly beans. After being allowed to eat one or two we were stopped and told that in order to eat the rest we had to pay and if we refused we had to return the sweets. As a lover of jelly beans I was a little upset that these tasty things were to be taken away from me after just eating one. My thoughts were that after being given the lollies we should be entitled to them. This is the current issue with online news at the present time which are one by one starting to go behind Pay Walls due to many newspapers who believe that in order to read their paper they are entitled to our money. In a way, it is fair to pay for the news, after all how with journalists be paid if no one is paying to read their work?

I found this lecture very informative and interesting. Never before had I considered many of these topics and I am beginning to think about how much news types have changed over the years.

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